Inspired by KoalasToTheMax, QTree is a short live demonstration of image compression and decompression using Quadtrees that partition a two-dimensional image by recursively subdividing it into four quadrants.
Rust: The next C++ ?
Rust is a multi-paradigm systems programming language created to ensure high performance similar to that offered by C and C++ but with emphasis on code safety
Decentralization in MetaMUI Wallet: A Case Study
A case study on how MetaMUI wallet claims to be decentralized and how it actully works.
zuzu: A Static Site Generator (SSG)
Zuzu is a static site generator that converts all your markdown files into static htmls pages. It uses Github falvoured Markdown CSS and highlight js to beautify code snippets.
Why is Web3 a sham?
A short rant on the state of Web3