Last Updated: Monday, August 26

Educational Background

  • MSc in Computer Engineering at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering, NYC- 2026 - πŸ”—
  • B.Tech in Computer Science at Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar- 2023 - πŸ”—

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer - DatingAI 2024 - πŸ”—
    • Revamping the existing infrastructure in NodeJs and NextJs to reduce network load and effectively allow the usage of API keys to limit exhaustion. Improving the efficiency of the AI engine.
    • Built the Telegram-Bot that mimics the entire application on Telegram enabling multi-platform application access
  • Software Engineer - RadisuAI 2024 - πŸ”—
    • Built a multi-threaded, asynchronous health monitoring service using Rust, and Kafka to handle scraping requests every 10 secs. Optimized and ported the alert mod from Python to Rust to improve performance
    • Automated fault tolerant, consistent DB write operations by different teams using lambda functions and Prefect
    • Built a native GUI app in Rust; to highlight unknown objects present during checkout in LCD counter-top POS.
    • Ported the existing python shopassist cart simulator codebase to Rust. Updated the code to run asynchronous operations in parallel thread to improve performance and reduce bottleneck issues by more than 50%.
    • Created a data analytics dashboard app using Gradio to display annotations statistics reducing failures and inaccuracies by over 70-75%
    • Optimizing the alert module, and porting it from python and refactoring it to Rust to improve performance.
  • Founding Engineer/SDE-1 - StackIt 2023 - πŸ”—
    • Developed a Chrome extension that integrates with the StakIt Google Workspace application, enabling users to import CSV files directly into Google Sheets. Leveraged the Google Apps Script layer and utilized the available spreadsheet APIs.
    • Built the Data-Preview section in the Chargebee component to vizualize the data before importing it. Incorporated filters, joins, and v-lookups, to perform ETL operations. Wrote custom backend methods and modified the existing codebase to work with the new UI.
    • Implementing the data pipeline to import data from Hubspot to the Google Spreadsheet ecosystem.
    • Working on the CI/CD pipeline to automate the deployment of the application using GitHub Actions.
    • Creating multiple instances to abstract development and production layers using Docker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud Platform.
    • Built an advanced custom scheduling and logging using service using React, Node, and Python, to store user data periodically.
    • Building natural language to SQL engines using LangChain, vector-embeddings - Llama-index prompt engineering, GPT-3.5-turbo & GPT-4-1106-preview.
  • Full-stack Developer - Asymmetri 2023 - πŸ”—
    • Implemented a dynamic PDF generator using react-pdf and react-pdf-highlighter.
    • Building a custom PDF viewer using Firebase SDK. Used Cloud Firestore as the database.
  • Full Stack Engineer - Squbix Digital 2022 - πŸ”—
    • Designed and developed the Squbix Website. Refactored React-Native applications with better UI, implemented offline storage, and push notifications, and built an ERP app to monitor the attendance and tasks of employees.
    • Built backend APIs using NodeJs. Configured optional parameters to switch between different blockchains. Refactored the JS-based SDK to TypeScript and NodeJs. Built Chrome extension for wallet transactions. Used mocha for unit testing.
    • Modified the existing DID pallet using Rust & Substrate to store ID information in the blockchain with additional unit tests. Collaborated on the wallet transfer PWA to cater to the needs of existing users on the older blockchain.
  • Freelance Software Developer - Afixi Technologies 2022 - πŸ”—
    • Set up a platform to handle DDEX submissions using Amazon AWS S3 & Go. Wrote a Python script to automate the uploading of music from the producer’s S3 bucket and automated the uploading of music on YouTube.
  • MLOps & React Internship - Ebibil Technologies 2021 - πŸ”—
    • Collaborated on the Django web app to integrate with ML models for a smart parking system.
    • Implemented a PWA using React for the admin panel that manages the parking system.
    • Contributed to ML models in Python to build an ANPR system to detect the license plate with 67% accuracy.
  • Python Tutor - Triluxo 2021 - πŸ”—
    • Tutored students on the basics of Computer Science, the web and programming using Python.
    • Built a Django back-end for a web application used by students to build apps using Python.
  • IoT - Summer Internship 2021 - Karkhana Makerspace - πŸ”—
    • Built ideation of a smart soil monitor system using NodeMCU, Firebase, and sensors.
    • Built ideation of a home automation system using a relay, NodeMCU, wifi, and mobile app.
  • Cybersecurity - Summer Internship 2020 - Cybervie - πŸ”—
    • Worked with live data to create a ransomware report and a phishing report.


  • Dough - A cli presentation tool written in Rust.
  • Bee - A tiny bit torrent client written in TypeScript. Built to work with the movie recommendation system and the movie rating prediction system.
  • RESOC - A FOSS social platform for accessing free academic resources with task management, a chat section, and an open contributions page.
  • zuzu - A static site generator written in JavaScript.- Live πŸ”—, Old Blog πŸ”—
  • Qtree - Inspired by KoalasToTheMax, QTree is a short demonstration of image compression and decompression using Quadtrees, that partitions a two-dimensional image by recursively subdividing it into four quadrants. - Live πŸ”—
  • Explored - The Globe from Github’s homepage implemented in ThreeJS with beautiful shading. - Live - πŸ”—
  • W3bChat - A decentralized chat application that uses a graph DB to nstrate the concept of a decentralized chat application. - Live - πŸ”—
  • Nice Dear - A library that generates random avatars. Dicebear rip-off!
  • Rokio - A multi-client chat server written in Rust using Tokio.
  • IWT - A group college project based on MERN Stack. - Live πŸ”—
  • Marks Predictor - Predicting the marks of a student based on the number of hours studied using Linear Regression and Gradient Descent.
  • Depression Detector - Created a TF/IDF classifier - sentiment analysis model to detect depression in tweets.
  • Taskapp - A task management system with - React app - πŸ”—
  • Fitness Videoplayer - A flutter application to monitor fitness and exercise workouts.
  • Kanaban Board - A Kanaban board to manage tasks.
  • Movie Rating Prediction - Predicting the rating of a movie based on the review using Naive Bayes.
  • Movie Recommendation System - An item-based collaborative recommendation system using Cosine Similarity.
  • Digit Recognizer - Classifying handwritten digits and MNIST dataset using CNN and KNN. - MNIST digit classifier using KNN
  • Bird Migration Analysis - A data analysis project to analyze the migration of birds.
  • Smart Home Automation System - Theoretical implementation of a smart home automation system in IOT Summer Internship.
  • Industrial Contamination Detection - A theoretical IOT project to detect contamination in the soil in irrigation and agriculture. - 2021
  • Ransomware Detection - A ransomware detection demonstration on WannaCry. 2020


  • Luma - Magic Ball: The AI Reveal - 2023 - πŸ”—
  • Luma - Magic Ball: OpenAI Dev Day - 2023 - πŸ”—
  • CS25 I Stanford Seminar - Transformers United 2023: Introduction to Transformers
  • Luma - Magic Ball: The Reveal - 2023 - πŸ”—
  • Chargebee - Finance Leader Roundtable, 2023
  • Google IO/Connect, 2023
  • Git Groove - UnStop 2023 - πŸ”—
  • Web Developer/ Mentor- Zygon Organizing Committee 2023 - πŸ”—
  • Best Delegate - XIMUN 2023 - πŸ”—
  • Contingent Leader - IIT Bombay 2023 - πŸ”—
  • Binance Ideathon - #BlockchainforGood 2022 - πŸ”—
  • Co-founder CBRTL - 2022 - πŸ”—
  • Why Rust - Squbix Digital 2022 - πŸ”—
  • Ideate Nirman - SIT 2022 - πŸ”—
  • Ideathon - ED Cell SIT 2022 - πŸ”—
  • President, Chairperson IEEE Students’ Branch STB04531 - SIT 2022-23 - πŸ”—
  • Co-founder & Joint Secretary - SWITCH 2021-22 - πŸ”—
  • High Commendation I - SITMUN 2021 - πŸ”—
  • High Commendation I ( Best Del ) - SITMUN 2020 - πŸ”—
  • Photographer/ Graphic Designer - SIT: Media Cell - 2020 πŸ”—
  • Photographer - Silicon Photography Club 2019 - πŸ”—
  • TEDxSITB - #HalfEmptyHalfFilled - SIT 2019 - πŸ”—
  • Ethical Hacking - Robothlon - IIT Delhi 2017 - πŸ”—
  • Arduino - Robothlon - IIT Delhi 2017 - πŸ”—
  • Quadcopter UAV - Robothlon - IIT Delhi 2017 - πŸ”—
  • Life In Space - NASCA 2017 - πŸ”—
  • IOT - WAC| 2017 - IIIT Hyderabad - πŸ”—
  • Robotics - WAC| 2017 - IIIT Hyderabad - πŸ”—
  • DBMUN 2015 - πŸ”—
  • Verbal Mention - Carmel Summit 2015 - πŸ”—

External Links