
Hi, I am Anubhab Patnaik(“fuzzymf”), a software engineer from India. Interested in math, science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, I try to solve real-world problems. I previously worked as a software engineer at RadiusAI, and as the founding engineer at StackIt before that. Currently, a graduate student pursuing a Master’s in Computer Engineering at New York University, Tandon. This is a space for my philosophical thoughts and monthly updates; my two cents and musings on life and tech. Here’s my journey so far .

I write about life, love poetry and music, and have recently taken up playing the guitar. I also have a penchant for travelling, adventuring, exploring places, photography, and graphic design. Fond of stories, I try to take time out to read more. Besides, I attend events related to space exploration and tech startups. More on what I am up to .

Here’s an open invitation: if you are in NYC, let’s meet. I am always up for a conversation, exploring projects and discussing startup ideas. We can hang out and take some photos or code and build something together. Feel free to reach out over mail or any of the socials. If you want a quick chat, here are my calendar and mail links.


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